Materials for (Junior) Researchers

less than 1 minute read


Research life is a colorful journey, which you should enjoy, otherwise, why continue it?

I find some useful materials recently. I post this article just to collect them and try to help every research newbie, like me..

1. Research skills

Some good MS guy already collected a lot of useful resources for researchers. Here is the link. Hope you like it.

2. How to write research papers

Donald E. Knuth not only wrote the famous algorithm book, but also gave some advises to researchers when writing mathematical papers. The book is Mathematical Writing.

3. Give a good research talk

Here is a slides talking about how to give a good research talk, although itself is not good enough.. The ideas are still very useful.

4. How to read research papers

Are you still always reading a paper from the begin to the end? Try to read this paper first. Then you may save a large amount of time from reading worthless papers.

I will update this article if new resources discovered.